Get ConnectED! Tear down your walls!
Date & Time
Sunday, January 7, 2018, 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Get out of your cave and share your classroom with the world! The 21st century classroom has no walls. Come learn how to give every student in your classroom a voice with back channels, open up their world with social media and invite guest speakers digitally and broadcast your amazing lessons live to the world. Learn how to cultivate a classroom of great Digital Citizens. Technology has connected our world, why can’t it connect our classrooms! Teaching is the most important job in the world so let's see your classroom and students shine!. The world has become globally connected through the use of new technology and communication tools. Our world has become drastically different because of this, so why can our classrooms change as well? With all the new educational tools in today’s marketplace, it has become more important than ever to introduce our students to a global world than ever before. As a response I have created a new classroom tested set of communication tools and strategies to help at all grade levels safely connect with classrooms around the world, and increase their knowledge about their digital footprint and digital self. Examples of use in a true classroom use will be provided to show increased motivation and engagement for the student, and helps to provide teachers with tools to increase communication beyond their classroom walls. Multiple by studies by Mayer have shown that students who are engaged with classroom utilizing multimedia components of instruction do better than students who learn through pencil and paper alone. While technology alone will not provide engagement, that is up to the “Pirate” in all of us, technology will provide students a platform to interact with the content of the class rather than just being a consumer of the content. This session is meant to inspire teachers to understand the need for the infusion of engaging tools, increase their understanding of what "social media" truly is, and understand how opening up their students to the global community will help with their long term growth. Through this session teachers from all disciplines and grade levels will take away successful classroom tested strategies of engagement and application, and leave eager to make changes to their classroom instantly. Teachers will learn how to use the communication tools with other students to foster growth and engagement in and out of the classroom. It is imperative that our teachers begin learn the artful balance of engagement, communication and technology to foster the growth of ALL students from ALL backgrounds at ALL levels. This session will include: 1. Introduction to Classroom Community tools. 2. A detailed description of each tool and how it can be used by both the teacher and the student. 3. Understanding what "Social Media" is and how it should be used in the classroom 4. The Need for Great digital citizens 5. Resources on how to get your classrooms connected.
Location Name
Room 502
Full Address
Glacier Point Middle School
4055 North Bryan Avenue
Fresno, California 93723
United States
Session Type
Primary, Middle
Empowered Teachers, Engaged Community