Going Down the Rabbit Hole with Google Tools!
Date & Time
Saturday, December 2, 2017, 11:15 AM - 12:15 PM
Sure you know all about the amazing tools that Google Apps for Education has to offer such as Docs, Sheets, Forms, and Slides. You might even be using Classroom. But there are an incredible number of other resources that Google has to offer educators. In this session, we’ll look at some of those tools as well as some Google search tips and tricks that can really up your Google game and take it to the next level. The cool factor for this session will be off the charts!
Location Name
Media Center
Full Address
Village Academy High School
1444 East Holt Avenue
Pomona, California 91767
United States
Session Type
Primary, Middle, Secondary
Empowered Teachers, Student Agency, Courageous Leadership, Coding